Spotlight On One Texas School District Revolutionizing School Lunch
Our stories connect people to their food, support informed choice, and rethink how we consume.
China Hoards Half of World’s Cotton Supply (But It Maybe Wishes It Didn’t)
China’s hybrid market of state-controlled capitalism often yields weirdness, but the government’s years-long attempt to manipulate the cotton market is particularly odd.
Using Sheep To Test the Boundaries of Science (No Sheep Were Harmed)
A quirky New Zealand project called Counting Sheep is mapping out the intersection of agriculture and ethics, trying to figure out where people draw line when it comes to scientific advances (dog/sheep DNA hybrids anyone?) before the line actually gets crossed.
Processed Chicken From China Slips Past New Country-of-Origin Labels
Raw imported meat or fish now bears a label describing where it was raised, slaughtered and processed. Cooked meat doesn't face the same requirement and as a result, chicken from C...
Aerial Abstracts: A Q&A with Photographer Zack Seckler
Zack Seckler recently found himself in Africa with some free time on his hands. Instead of photographing from ground level, he took his art to the sky.
Farmers Win the Super Bowl: 5 Ag-Related Spots from the Big Game
Peyton Manning and the Broncos might not have shown up last night, but America’s farmers brought their A-game to the commercial breaks.
13 Vintage Photos of the Dust Bowl
A look back at the Dust Bowl, when severe dust storms blew across the prairies of the United States, causing a mass migration of farmers.
Meet the Modern Farmers: Sarah Ryhanen
When Sarah Ryhanen walks through the fields of flowers on her 107-acre property, the Farm at the World’s End, she may seem as far away from her previous career”‰ – ”‰curating New York City art galleries”‰ – ”‰as one can get.
Food in the Desert? Israel’s Salad Trail
A great tomato grown in the heart of the Israeli desert? This was possible thanks to the Salad Trail, a working farm and interactive museum designed to teach visitors about the techniques used to farm a desert.
Colorado Congressman Puts Balls on the Line for Super Bowl
Offers from the other representatives are about what you would expect. In the event of a Broncos win, the Washington representatives will offer apples, wine and salmon. If the Seah...
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