Our stories connect people to their food, support informed choice, and rethink how we consume.
Major South Dakota Meat Plant Shuts Down Due to COVID-19
The governor of the state still refuses to issue a stay-at-home order.
Land O’Lakes Removes Native American Woman From Label
The dairy co-op quietly changed its logo in February.
The Trump Administration Reportedly Wants to Cut Farmworker Wages
They’re essential workers. They’re risking their lives. And yet!
The Biofuel Industry Is Really Struggling Right Now
Social distancing and stay-at-home orders are hurting agriculture in multiple ways.
Converting Forests into Farmland Could Increase Spread of Zoonotic Disease
Researchers say the chance of outbreaks will only grow.
Why Are Beef Prices and Demand Up, But Cattle Prices Down?
Some ranchers and politicians think price fixing may be afoot.
Why Isn’t Anyone From Agriculture on the White House Coronavirus Task Force?
A Congressman from California asks the question.
Dairy Farmers Are Dumping Huge Amounts of Milk
Farmers have had to throw away their product as restaurants and schools have shuttered.
How to Jumpstart your COVID-19 Victory Garden
Growing food at home has never seemed like a better idea. Here are three approaches to getting started quickly with minimal investment.
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