Antimicrobial Resistance In Animals Is Getting Worse in Developing Countries
Our stories connect people to their food, support informed choice, and rethink how we consume.
Of Course You Want Vegetables From
The unlikely marriage of small-scale CSAs and a large-scale online retailer.
The Quest To Create A Living Velociraptor Is Underway
It’s ticking along pretty much as hoped. Says another researcher: “It’s just going to be a really awful monstrosity.”
Are These Nicotine-Like Insecticides Killing Bees?
Many scientists believe that a class of insecticides called neonicotinoids are a significant factor in the widespread death of bees.
An English Farmer Turned a Peugeot into a Giant Sheepdog
Dog lovers, meet your unquestioned lord and master.
Suspected Cattle Rustler Tries To Cram A Cow Into His Car And Drive Away
The new style of cattle rustling involves more cars and loitering than Wild West rustling.
How Poppies Became a Symbol of Remembrance
Reviewing the legacy of the veteran poppy.
10 Fermented Foods That We Would Totally Try, Just Not Right Now, Thanks
Fermented foods around the world that you may not have heard of.
The Struggle To Make Non-Alcoholic Beer Non-Terrible
Maybe soon you won’t scoff at the flavor of non-alcoholic beer, thanks to these scientists.
Meet Modern Farmer’s Guest Instagrammer: Skyelark Ranch
This week my wife Alexis and I will be taking over the Modern Farmer Instagram from Skyelark Ranch in Brooks, California. We lease 60 acres of land for our flock of 60 California r...
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