With Dairy Farmers Struggling, USDA to Buy $50 Million Worth of Milk
Our stories connect people to their food, support informed choice, and rethink how we consume.
Little Livestock: Beyond the Backyard Chickens
Your next urban farming might be one of these little animals.
If We End World Hunger, You’ll Have These Teenagers to Thank
Wait, did a trio of Irish teenagers just solve the global hunger crisis?
Toast in the Machine: Meet Your New Computer Chef Overlords
Two supercomputers are getting involved in the personal, intuitive process of cooking.
Hijacked Harvest: Peruvian Maca in Peril
Chinese “tourists” turn out to be skilled superfood smugglers.
People Get Ready: #winteriscoming
Twitter users from around the world report on the changing seasons using the hashtag, #winteriscoming.
Farmhouse Beer: Turning Scraps Into Brews
Farmhouse beer, or saison, is a catch-all category, traditionally made on farms from grain scraps – post-harvest leftovers, last year’s unsold stores, anything would do.
EPA Withdraws From Clean Water Case, Farm Bureau Declares Victory
The EPA withdraws from a high-profile clean water act case, the Farm Bureau declares a victory, and several environmental groups are dismayed.
Forget Black Burgers, Goth Chickens Are The Real Thing
The flesh and skin of these chickens is completely black.
Madame Bovary: Before Country Was Cool
Classic literature teaches us a lesson in farming.
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