Our stories connect people to their food, support informed choice, and rethink how we consume.
USDA Gives $63 Million in Grants to Rural Farms for Renewable Energy Projects
Why yes, we would like to install solar panels on the roofs of our chicken coops.
Scientists Have Developed a New, Healthier, Tastier Peanut
Longer-lasting, better tasting, healthier peanuts that are also easier to grow. Yum.
Cooking for a Cause: Q&A with Chef Jamie Simpson
Jamie Simpson, executive chef at The Chef’s Garden and The Culinary Vegetable Institute in Huron and Milan, Ohio, talks advocacy, sustainability and the role of restaurateurs.
Meet the Modern Farmers: Maria Farrugia, Orin Hardy and Made Gojing
With start-up capital, Orin Hardy leased two acres in Bali, which supply The Green School with papayas, basil, coconuts, and Thai eggplant.
(Beer) Waste Not, Want Not: 5 Ways Breweries Recycle Their Waste
Beer makers have always been innovators, so it makes sense they would be involved in great ways to use the waste from the brewing process.
What $390,000 Buys You in Vermont
The place gets its name from an old Vermont family who ran dairy cattle here until 1973.
Planned Agricultural Communities: Where Utopia Meets Suburbia
The recent surge in these communities begs the question: Has the back-to-the-land spirit of the 1960s settled down in a cul-de-sac?
Meet the Modern Farmer: Joseph Fields
Joseph Fields is incredibly savvy about shifting trends, returning to an organic approach in 2008, after decades of industrial agriculture.
Even Without a Drought, We’re Depleting Groundwater at an Alarming Pace
Kevin Dennehy likes to compare the country’s groundwater supply to a bank account – and we’re withdrawing too much.
Suggested Solution
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