What We're Drinking: Shrubs, A New Take On An Old Mixer - Modern Farmer

What We’re Drinking: Shrubs, A New Take On An Old Mixer

Today's shrubs focus on fresh produce, specialty vinegars, and sweeteners like maple syrup.

shrub vinegars
Kate Sears

Shrub & Co.’s Spicy Ginger, handcrafted in Berkeley, California, packs an aromatic punch with 19 percent ginger juice, plus cane sugar and white wine vinegar. ($22 for 16 oz.; shrubandco.com)

McClary Bros.’ Old Timey Michigan Beet & Carrot Drinking Vinegar relies on earthy vegetable juices to balance the acidity of its organic apple cider vinegar base. ($18 for 16 oz.; mcclarybros.com)

The Hudson Standard’s Apple Coriander Maple Shrub gives a seasonal flavor boost to bourbon, club soda, even marinades and salad dressings. ($22 for 16 oz.; thehudsonstandard.com)

Liber & Co’s Texas Grapefruit Shrub, made from Rio Reds, cane sugar, and champagne vinegar, offers a refreshing infusion of vitamin C. ($9 for 8.5 oz.; liberandcompany.com)

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