Our stories connect people to their food, support informed choice, and rethink how we consume.
Donald McCaig: The Mark Twain of Dog Writers
In 1970, bestselling author Donald McCaig got a little land, a few sheep and a sheepdog. Before long, he was traveling far and wide to test his and his dogs’ shepherding skills.
Hair of the Dog: Wear Your Best Friend
Move over, sheep. Adios, alpacas. You don’t need a pasture or hay to make soft, lovely yarn. You just need a dog.
We take a closer look at some of the more questionable aspects of the original “Air Bud” movie to see how they hold up.
The Dogs That Sniff Out Land Mines
Mine detection dogs require a singleminded focus and attention to detail that is unparalleled. We talk to a man who train them.
‘Happiness is a Warm Puppy’: Early Modern Medicinal Use of Dogs
A look back at early modern medicine, when everything from dog’s brains to dog excrement was considered medicine.
Are Farm Dogs Happier Than Lap Dogs?
Is the pooch out in the field happier than the dog who stays at home?
The Pull of Dog Driving: Fetch Is for Amateurs
Taking the dog for a walk is one of the obligations of dog ownership, no bones about it. But what if you could get your dog to take you on a walk? Or rather, a ride?
What We Know About What Dogs Know
A talk with author David Grimm about our changing views of the history of dogs, how certain breeds have developed for certain tasks and the rapidly advancing scientific study of just how dogs think.
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