Our stories connect people to their food, support informed choice, and rethink how we consume.
Power Plant: Could Spinach Soon Fuel Cars?
Sure, spinach has a place in your salad bowl, but could you soon be using it to fuel your car?
Garden Gnomes Have Come a Lawn Way
The rich history of the best traveled of lawn ornaments.
Pushing Brussels Sprouts Up a Mountain With Your Nose
No, Kettell didn’t eat the sprouts. He pushed them up the mountain – on his hands and knees.
A Bacon-Powered Motorcycle Is Cruising Your Way
Everyone’s favorite cured meat has found new life as an eco-friendly, Hormel-sponsored biofuel.
Germany Says ‘Nein!’ to Chlorine Chickens From the U.S.
In Germany, there is widespread opposition to one little-known processing technique: the use of chlorine to wash chickens after slaughter.
Corn Couture: Kernels Get a High-Fashion Makeover
Corn kernels of nearly every hue of the rainbow are being turned into earrings, necklaces, bracelets, headpieces and wall hangings.
Meet Modern Farmer’s Guest Instagrammers: Kaiser Farm
Modern Farmer: Could you tell us a little about your farm?
Old photos of a farmer’s favorite tool for harvest.
Sorry, Sushi Nail Art Is Not “A Thing” In Japan
Reported as the latest Japanese beauty craze, the sushi nail trend can actually be traced to a single photo.
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