Our stories connect people to their food, support informed choice, and rethink how we consume.
How Fungi Could Help Save the Honeybee
Why a mycologist and an entomologist have teamed up to help save honeybees.
5 Strange but True Scientific Studies Involving Bees
Bees aren’t just great at pollinating and making honey. Turns out they make great guinea pigs too.
Honeybees are the Stars at New York City’s Coolest Field Trip
New York City’s schoolkids don’t have to go to Revolutionary War sites: there are rooftop apiaries to be observed, right in the city.
Get Friendly with Helpful, Not Hurtful, Ground Bees
They don’t live in a hive, don’t make honey, and won’t sting. Meet the insects helping to pollinate our crops from the ground up.
Video: Amazing Time-Lapse of Bees Hatching
From little larvae to proficient pollinator.
How Naomi Starkman’s Using Journalism to Change Food Policy
“Our job is to raise important questions that you’re not hearing asked by other news outlets,” says the editor-in-chief of Civil Eats.
What Exactly are Africanized Bees, and How Scary are They?
The “killer bee” is one of the most feared animals on the planet. But could it end up helping us?
How Honeybees Make Our Beer Even More Delicious
You can’t spell beer without “bee.”
The Many Benefits of Miniature Cows
Diminutive in size and appetite, these dainty dairy cows make sense for small farms.
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