Spotlight On One Texas School District Revolutionizing School Lunch
Our stories connect people to their food, support informed choice, and rethink how we consume.
Brexit’s Farm Panic Could Be A Harbinger Of America’s Future
UK farmers fear widespread death of farms and lack of food. Here’s why that’s important to the US.
Meet Dr. Gregory Peck, the Grand Pomologist of Hard Cider
This Cornell brew guru is working to elevate the science of cider to that of fine wine.
If Trump Builds the Wall, What Will Happen to our Food System?
Let us count the reasons why Trump’s attitude on immigration isn’t just half-baked, it’s an abomination for farmers, consumers, and the broader economy
If Alicia Silverstone Was Naked and Telling You All Wool Clothing Was Bad, Would You Believe Her?
The wool industry takes a turn in the crosshairs of animal rights activists.
The USDA is Conducting a Check Up on the Financial Health of America’s Dairy Industry
Three thousand randomly selected dairy farmers - including 800 with organic dairy operations”“across 28 states will be interviewed. The information collected is for the final p...
A Dangerous “Superbug” Has Been Found on a U.S. Pig Farm. Should You Worry?
An Ohio State University research team has discovered a multi-drug resistant form of bacteria on a U.S. pig farm. Should you worry? The answer is “maybe.”
Last Word with Chef Tom Colicchio
In the midst of opening his new Manhattan restaurant, Fowler&Wells, the Top Chef judge found time to hit the campaign trail.
The Ability To Cook Plants 15,000 Years Ago May Have Modernized Humans
Humans have been cooking plants for longer than anyone suspected.
The UK Has a Hotline to Bust Food Fraudsters
In the UK food fraudsters are being dimed out thanks to a new national hotline run by the National Food Crime Unit.
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