Kona Coffee Growers Sue Walmart, Amazon, Costco, and More for Selling Fake Kona
Our stories connect people to their food, support informed choice, and rethink how we consume.
For more than 8,000 years, people have taken advantage of this chemical transaction, fermentation, by adding yeast to grape juice. Yeast, over the course of weeks, will then turn t...
The Illustrated Journals of a Dairy Farmer in 1941
The continuing journals of dairy farmer W.G. Pope from 1941, as illustrated by his great-grandson. This week: ice-cold sodas.
Ham-Fisted: Banker Forks Over Big Dough for Perfect Pig
G. Chris Andersen is in the premier league of Wall Street investment bankers. But now? Now he is obsessed with creating the perfect pig.
5 Cool-As-Heck Cattle Stampede Videos
The cattle stampede is a mainstay of cowboy movies (see both City Slickers and City Slickers 2: The Legend of Curly’s Gold). But what does one actually look like?
4 New Studies are a Buzzkill for Bees
This summer has seen more bad news for bees. Here are four recent sad studies
Jan Barley is a Reiki practitioner; when she touches your horse, she gets results.
Cape Anne Fresh Catch, the country’s largest community supported fishery, does essentially the same thing as your typical CSA, but with fish.
Did Jennie Manning Feed Her Husband To the Hogs?
Jennie’s husband was not a nice man.
Using DNA Sequencing to Show Why Crop Rotation Works
Crop rotation just plain works. Since as far back as the Roman Empire farmers have known this. When crops are rotated, plant nutrition and yield improves, and farmers have more con...
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