The Not-So-Bright Future of Sustainable Groundwater Use in Agriculture
Our stories connect people to their food, support informed choice, and rethink how we consume.
Meet Modern Farmer’s Guest Instagrammer: Sun Dog Farm
Say hello to Sun Dog Farm in Blairsville, Georgia. They’re taking over Modern Farmer’s Instagram feed for a bit. Stop by and check them out.
Scientists Discover a Way To Make Cows Fatter and Less Flatulent
Stop burping, cows. Please.
Forget Sports Drinks: Jersey Milk Might Be The Best for Athletes
Drop those sugary, dyed drinks to recover from your workouts and try a glass of Jersey or Guernsey milk instead.
How to Grow Your Own Tomatoes, Part 6: Saving Seeds
You can practically guarantee you’re growing the tastiest tomatoes – while cutting costs – by saving and storing your own seeds.
Pesticide Gets Pest-Eating Spiders Dangerously Drunk
The pesticide may not kill them, but the effect it has is very strange and possibly harmful in ways not expected.
Inside Kurt Timmermeister’s Seattle Dairy Farm and Home
Seattle chef Kurt Timmermeister wanted little more than a rustic retreat when he bought four neglected acres on nearby Vashon Island. Then a cow named Dinah changed everything.
Food Stamp Spending at Farmers Markets Is up 600% Since 2008
It’s a huge step forward in providing high-quality, healthy food in affordable ways.
USDA Gives $63 Million in Grants to Rural Farms for Renewable Energy Projects
Why yes, we would like to install solar panels on the roofs of our chicken coops.
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