Our stories connect people to their food, support informed choice, and rethink how we consume.
Cracking the Genetic Code of the Lychee
After mapping the genes of this short-season tropical fruit, researchers make a discovery that could lead to a future where it’s grown and harvested year-round.
Take a Break with These Food and Farming Video Games
Is your city locking down again? Are you looking to escape the winter blues? These 10 games are the perfect distraction.
Is Beet Juice the Future of Deicing City Streets?
Deicers made with a mixture of sugar beet molasses and salt are gaining traction.
A recap of 2021, a year filled with equal parts hope and disappointment.
The US Is Not Reducing Agricultural Use of Antibiotics Fast Enough
The unnecessary use of antibiotics is a huge problem in American agriculture.
Facing Labor Shortage, Tyson to Ramp Up Automation in Processing Plants
The company hopes to “reduce labor costs” (aka cut jobs).
Minnesota Seeks to Add State-Specific Dicamba Pesticide Regulations
They’d be stricter than the national ones.
Crop Pests and Diseases Dramatically Rise in China
Researchers suspect climate change to be a major factor in the whopping 400 percent increase.
First USDA-Approved Low-Carbon Beef Certification Launched
The new program will require participating producers to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to at least 10 percent lower than the industry’s standard baseline.
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