Our stories connect people to their food, support informed choice, and rethink how we consume.
The FDA Finally Releases Firm Safety Standards For Domestic And Imported Food
See those cucumbers? Wouldn’t it be nice if those weren’t the enemy?
How to Build a Bio-Swale (and Why You Should Want To!)
A swell soil-building, runoff-reducing project for a cool fall day.
The USDA Needs The Help Of Farmers To Save The Noble Monarch Butterfly
Milkweed: gross, but important.
Guess Our Winter Issue’s Cover Animal For A Chance To Win Some Sweet Prizes!
Guess which animal will be featured in the winter issue and you could win some pretty great edibles (and drinkables)!
Q&A: Kimberly Zabec of Revolutionary Roots Farm
Meet Kimberly Zabec, our newest winner in our #iamamodernfarmer contest.
Cattle Rustling in Northern Ireland is a Big Deal Right Now
It’s not just an old Hollywood cliché: Northern Ireland is currently in the throes of a cattle-theft crime wave.
Meet Modern Farmer’s Guest Instagrammer: Agrarian Photographer Stephen Smith
Photographer Stephen Smith is taking over Modern Farmer’s Instagram account this weekend. Stop by and take a look!
USDA Vows To Help Young Farmers, But Will It Be Enough?
It’s a start, but the USDA could probably be doing a lot more.
Meet Stan Herd, the Man Who Turns Agriculture into Amazing Works of Art
Growing up in the rural town of Protection, Kansas, Stan Herd dreamed of leaving his family’s farm that was homesteaded by his grandfather to lead the life of an artist. But his agrarian roots ended up emerging in his art in the most spectacular of ways.
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