Our stories connect people to their food, support informed choice, and rethink how we consume.
Can You Really Tell The Difference Between Bourbon and Rye?
A new study suggests that there are bigger differences between whiskey than bourbon vs. rye.
Researcher Says the Impending Death of the World’s Favorite Banana Has Been Greatly Exaggerated
Are the “Bananageddon” scenarios hyped up? One scientist says yes; others disagree.
USDA Won’t Pay Claims After Poisoning Idaho Cattle
“Take us to court,” says the USDA to some farmers who are in no position to do it.
Home Gardeners are Breeding More Diverse Corn than You Can Buy
Hybrid corn grows in Los Angeles.
Will Climate Change Actually Help Crops? (Spoiler: Maybe)
An excess of CO2 would be good for crops, right? Well …
Sponsored: Can Mushrooms Save The Honeybee & Our Food Supply?
A series of connections between bears, trees, mushrooms and bees may have led to an incredible discovery for the survival of the honeybee.
New Study Claims Neonicotinoid Pesticides Really Do Help Soybean Yields
But only in the south. And they’re still doing terrible things to our planet.
Kickstarter-Funded Chocolate Bar Company Wants to Pay Africans a Decent Wage For Once
A chocolate bar you can actually feel good about.
Our latest #iamamodernfarmer contest winner, urban homesteader Angela Ferraro-Fanning, and her family are hoping to turn a circa-1800 New Jersey farm property into a working organic farm.
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