Spotlight On One Texas School District Revolutionizing School Lunch
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Honeybees Are Feeling the Heat
In the Pacific Northwest, extreme temperatures and recurring drought are disrupting the health of essential bee colonies.
Facing Another Drought, California Proposes Buying Out Farmers’ Water Rights
Lawmakers are considering using part of the state’s $100-billion budget surplus to buy water rights back from farmers, putting money in their pockets while keeping water in rivers for endangered fish.
Montana Is Leading the Way in Lentil Research
At Montana State University, researchers are studying how genetic and environmental factors affect lentil crops.
What’s Up With the World’s Supply of Wheat?
The war in Ukraine, droughts and floods are all threatening worldwide supplies of the important crop.
How New Zealand Has Worked to Eradicate a Costly Cow Disease
Later this year, the country will become the first to get rid of Mycoplasma bovis, a contagious and painful disease in cattle.
At the University of Michigan, researchers are studying both the scientific benefits and public reactions to using aged urine as fertilizer.
Increasingly Heavy Farm Vehicles Are Crushing Soil Health
Tractors and other machinery used on farms have grown enormously heavier over the past 60 years, now weighing as much as the heaviest dinosaurs. How are soils handling the pressure? Not well.
Destructive Grapeleaf Skeletonizer Moth Found in Napa
The pest is known to eat away at grapevines, leaving just a skeleton of the leaves behind.
American Agriculture’s Reliance on Foreign Workers Surges
The number of positions filled by H-2A temporary workers has continued to increase year over year.
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