Our stories connect people to their food, support informed choice, and rethink how we consume.
Modern Farmer Celebrity Vegetable Chart
Why Lena Dunham is like cilantro, Gwyneth Paltrow is like kale, and James Franco is like corn: it’s our our celebrity veg chart.
Welcome to Modern Farmer’s new harvest column, in which we highlight what is seasonal, talk to those who grow it, and share a recipe (or two). We start with one of our favorites, tomatoes.
In Fallon, Nevada, two local farmers capitalize on the growing market for gluten-free products with teff, an ancient cereal grass from North Africa.
Master the Maize: The Increasingly Big Business of Corn Mazes
For customers, corn mazes are a lark. For farmers, they’re incredibly hard work and potentially big business that has grown increasingly sophisticated.
The Illustrated Journals of a Dairy Farmer in 1941
The continuing journals of dairy farmer W.G. Pope from 1941, as illustrated by his great-grandson. This week: a letter from Bill.
Bill Clinton Talks Global Agriculture
When people think of America’s former president, farming isn’t usually the first thing that comes to mind. But the philanthropist sees global agriculture as containing some of the biggest issues of our time, namely, food security and feeding the planet. We talk to Clinton about all that, and his Great-Uncle Buddy.
Want to Raise Crop Yields by 2.5 Billion Tons? Give Land a Break
A new report offers staggering numbers on how to fix land degradation.
Why We Should Treat Poor, Rural Farmers as Customers Instead of Charity Cases
When Paul Polak started asking poor, rural farmers in developing countries what they would need to pull themselves out of poverty, he did something unusual. He talked to them like customers, not like objects of charity.
Satoshi Aida’s Aida Godo Kojo produces farm tools that fuse traditional craftsmanship with painstaking precision tailored for use in Japan’s mountainous terrain and varied farming conditions.
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