Our stories connect people to their food, support informed choice, and rethink how we consume.
Meet Modern Farmer’s Guest Instagrammer: Local Roots Farm
Modern Farmer: Could you tell us a little about how you and your wife started farming?
Why Cows and Fireworks Don’t Mix
Everyone loves fireworks – except for cattle herds.
Forget Goats: ‘Grass Simulator’ Exists Now
Developers promise to use “realistic grass physics” to deliver a dynamic, grass-filled world, complete with cows.
Where Does Your Popcorn Come From?
The question is not as dumb as it sounds, and the answer is not movie theaters or your microwave.
On Staging ‘King Lear’ with Sheep
King Lear with Sheep stars one man and eight sheep.
This Pocket-Sized Sensor Will Tell You When Fruit Is Ripe
An Israeli company hopes to market a small sensor that uses infrared technology to determine the ripeness and nutritional information of fruits and vegetables.
At the Pig Hotel, You Can Check Out But You’ll Never Want to Leave
A hotel for pigs, their owners and, during the day, fans of all things porcine.
White Asparagus: Germany’s Underground King of Vegetables
Grown underground, this white, tender and somewhat sweet version of asparagus is a coveted treat each spring in Germany.
Making Argentinian Grills for American Cooks
The secret to Argentinian grills? Simple grates positioned over a wood fire, a cooking method that allows for intense smoky flavors and very high heat.
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