Our stories connect people to their food, support informed choice, and rethink how we consume.
Companies Selling Weed-Laced Therapeutic Pet Products Told To Quit It
Turns out you can buy cannabis treats for your pet. Well, you used to be able to, at least.
Bring Us A Cup Of This Kenyan Purple Tea, Please
Could this strange purple varietal be Kenya’s first big high-end tea?
The Weekly Glean: This Column Is Now Antibiotic-Free
This blog post refuses to encourage the rise of antibiotic resistance.
How to Grow Your Own Tomatoes, Part 1: Starting Seeds Indoors
Growing tomatoes from seed isn’t hard, but there are a few things to be aware of.
“Two Face” the Steer Sold to Slaughterhouse
Welcome to the (Ag)gregator, where you’ll find a daily offering of food and farm related stories from around the Web. Today, we hold our nose at the thousands of gallons of manure that spilled across a rural community in Kalamazoo County, Michigan; gawk at a two-headed bull that was recently sold at auction in Australia; look into a standoff between a British millionaire and a group of activist farmers who are squatting on his land; and learn about vigilantes in India freeing cattle headed for slaughter in Bangladesh.
EU Opens Way for More GM Crops
After years of haggling, European Union politicians signed a law today with the likely result that new genetically modified crops will be grown in Europe. The deal also allows memb...
A Plantable Coffee Cup That Can Reforest The Land
Finished your coffee? Great. Now grow a strand of wildflowers with the cup.
Here's a handy tool to give you an idea of when the final frost in your area will likely happen, so you know when it's safe to start planting. You'll thank us this summer.
Eco-terrorists Threaten New Zealand’s Milk
Welcome to the (Ag)gregator, where you’ll find a daily offering of food- and farm-related stories from around the Web. Today, we learn about eco-terrorism threats in New Zealand, problems at a USDA research center, the sentencing of two North Dakota farmers for convictions on charges they ripped off the federal government, and Dunkin’ Donuts’ promise to begin phasing out a controversial whitening agent from its products.
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