Are Next-Gen Synthetic Fibers the Future of Sustainable Textiles?
Our stories connect people to their food, support informed choice, and rethink how we consume.
July: Events and Happenings Around the World
Bring on sweet summertime! This month’s events offer opportunities to get some serious ag-related education, try your hand at beekeeping and natural dyeing, and eat food you can feel good about.
Meet the Modern Farmers: Abra Berens and Jess Piskor
Jess Piskor met Abra Berens 10 years ago while they were serving bowls of matzo-ball soup and pastrami sandwiches at Ann Arbor's legendary Zingerman's deli. At the time, Piskor hap...
Private Companies Help Fill Funding Hole for Organic Research
In response to this, Clif Bar and Organic Valley recently teamed up to fund the first endowed chair focused exclusively on organic research.The first of its kind, this chair was re...
Born to Be Wild: 6 Crops that Resist Being Tamed
These crops refuse to be tamed. Yet they remain delicious.
A Farmer’s Best (Virtual) Friend
The challenges facing novice farmers can, by all accounts, be downright daunting: deciding whether to lease or buy land, weighing capital investments in equipment, worrying about w...
Wheat Prices Are Down. What Does That Mean For You?
Back at the end of May, wheat prices were down 2.4 percent, and after the USDA report, they plummeted another 3.5 percent. What’s going on here?
Raisin Grower Wins Supreme Court Battle
The United States Supreme Court has handed down some major decisions recently; the two biggest were granting the right for same-sex couples to marry anywhere in the country, and the ruling in favor of Obamacare. Besides these historic decisions, there was another that’s being hailed as important for property rights and the raisin industry.
Cream of the Crop: Cool Stories from the Week
Here’s a round-up of the week’s most interesting stories.
Varmints Getting Your Crops? Three Humane Ways to Keep ‘Em Out
Rather than reach for poisonous baits, deadly traps, or death-inducing gases to cut the life of tunneling rodents short, opt for these more humane strategies.
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