“Soil My Undies” Challenge Has Farmers Burying Underwear In Their Fields
Our stories connect people to their food, support informed choice, and rethink how we consume.
Five Midterm Races Where Farming Was a Factor
Farmers are small in number, but in an era of stark urban-rural divides they have an outsize electoral impact.
FDA Grants “Breakthrough Therapy” Status to Psychoactive Psilocybin Mushrooms, Says Startup
Formerly banned substances—many of them plant-based—have in the past decade become subjects of dedicated medical study.
How to Stock Your Pantry for the Apocalypse
If the power goes out — or in case of nuclear holocaust — you’ll still need to eat. May as well eat well.
Judge Upholds Verdict, Though Reduces Damages, for Monsanto Cancer Case
A Superior Court judge in San Francisco took another look at the case of Dewayne Johnson, a former school groundskeeper.
The Buzz Over High-Tech Beehives
Although pollinators are responsible for one-third of the foods we eat, their survival is threatened.
Cooking with Terpenes: A Tutorial, with Recipes
When you tear a piece of basil or cut open a lemon, what you smell are terpenes, a wide and diverse group of organic compounds found in plants, fruits and vegetables that make them smell and taste the way they do.
Should We Just Ban “Best By” Labels on Food?
A UK supermarket chain vows to stop using them.
Can Cities Produce Enough Food to Feed Their Citizens?
Metropolitan areas may not seem like farming hubs. But they might surprise you.
Meet the Woman Using Bitcoin Technology to Transform the Food Industry
Bitcoin is the most well-known application of a technology known as “blockchain”. It turns out this novel approach to data management has a host of other — perhaps more noble — uses.
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