Record-Breaking Egg Profits Prompt Accusation of Price Gouging
Our stories connect people to their food, support informed choice, and rethink how we consume.
Foraging for Scents at Juniper Ridge
At Juniper Ridge, it’s all about foraging deep in the woods for scents that’ll transport you into the wilderness.
Will a Sheep’s Wool Grow Forever?
If a sheep is left unshorn, will its wool grow forever? Is that healthy? Is this a glitch in the (wooly) fabric of evolution?
Dirty Birds: Does Pastured Poultry Mean More Pathogens?
While it's still a small market, pastured poultry -- a method of raising poultry on open pastureland -- has flourished in recent years as consumer demand for humanely-raised, antib...
Pig Tech: Improving Pork’s Future
In a quest to eliminate gestation crates, researches believe they’ve cracked the code that may make open pens a widespread reality for swine across the country.
5 Farm Museums that Preserve the Past and Educate the Future
"Everyday there's another story about people not understanding the basics of food,” said Livermore.
Photo Diary: The Pacific Northwest Farm Scene, Part 1
Hello! My name's Eugénie. I'm a photographer from Portland, Ore., currently on the road in the great Northwest. I've just wrapped an artist's residency at the Tofino Botanical Gar...
The Illustrated Journals of a Dairy Farmer in 1941
The continuing journals of dairy farmer W.G. Pope from 1941, as illustrated by his great-grandson. This week: the circus comes to town.
Dear Modern Farmer: What In the Name of God Is Happening to My Apples?
Dear Modern Farmer, I’ve started to notice these little spots on the side of my apples, and a crumbling red-brown gooey substance coming out of them. What’s the deal?
Kenya’s Best and Only Reality Show for Struggling Farms
Shamba Shape Up is a wildly popular reality show, with upwards of 10 million weekly viewers across Africa. Each week, two hosts cheerily descend on a struggling farm. They look for...
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