Our stories connect people to their food, support informed choice, and rethink how we consume.
Every summer, thousands of Midwestern kids climb aboard schoolbusses, headed out to fields to detassle corn. Modern Farmer goes along for the ride.
6 Great Farm Reads for Young Adults
A few farm-focused novels to inspire kids to learn more about the world of farming and maybe get a few young people back out into the fields.
Circles in Squares: Modern Agricultural Art
The patchwork of circles and squares that make up the farmlands of the American West are a familiar scene to frequent flyers. Those circles -- caused by center-pivot irrigation -- ...
Big Brother for Baby Horses: Crowdsourcing Animal Care With Webcams
There is always someone watching your horse. That’s the thought behind Mare Stare, a website that runs live camera feeds from barns around the world.
The Best Movie About Coming of Age and Crashing Combines You’ll Ever See
But it turns out that combine demolition derbies also work as wonderful narratives for telling the story of the family farm. Sue Arbuthnot and Richard Wilhelm explore this theme in...
The Illustrated Journals of a Dairy Farmer in 1941
The continuing journals of dairy farmer W.G. Pope from 1941, as illustrated by his great-grandson. This week: a sign.
No-Till Farming: What’s the Deal?
Like clean water and fresh air, good, farmable soil is vital to our continued survival – and we’re destroying it in mass quantities. Is no-till farming the solution?
Truffle Hunting Has Gone to the Dogs
Want to find a good truffle? Find yourself a good dog.
Turning School Gardens into Outdoor Classrooms
Education Outside turns school gardens into classrooms. And today, kids across San Francisco get to study their science curriculum outside.
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