Our stories connect people to their food, support informed choice, and rethink how we consume.
Watch Enormous Combines Smash Into Each Other at the Demolition Derby
The thrill of 15,000-pound vehicles careening into each other at…15 miles per hour.
Meet the Modern Farmer: Asia-Vinae Palmer
Meet Asia-Vinae Palmer, a head crew leader for Grow Dat, a nonprofit that mentors teens and young adults as they cultivate crops.
Whole Foods and Beyond”Three Ways Amazon Is Changing the Grocery Game
They changed how we buy books, clothes…even toilet paper. Now Amazon plans to do the same for groceries.
EPA Chief Met With Dow’s CEO Before Deciding Not to Ban Dow’s Dangerous Pesticide
The Trump administration and agribusiness are like THIS. *entwines fingers so hard that all the bones break*
Minnesota’s New Legislation Makes It Easier for Young Farmers to Farm
America’s ag industry is aging fast, but Minnesota has introduced new legislation to attract young farmers.
7 New Books We’re Reading This Summer
From vinegar to vegetables, our picks zoom in on singular subjects. Plus, one sensational memoir!
Coffee Among the First Crops to Feel the Effect of Climate Change
It’s coming after our mornings.
Ruff Election: Meet Brynneth Pawltro, Canine Mayor (Plus More Animal Politicians!)
Pawltro beat out a chicken, a donkey, and a cat for the coveted position. No joke.
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