Our stories connect people to their food and highlight producers and innovators working to create a sustainable future.
From Commodity Crop To Community Crop
Midwestern farmers branch out with pizza.
An Asian Parasite Threatens US Livestock
A tiny tick is having a big impact on farmers and it’s spreading across America.
This 92-Year-Old Farmer Wants You to Drink in Her Orchard
Carol Hillman knew hard cider would be ‘all the rage.’
The Funniest Farm Videos on the Internet
In which we surf the Web so you don’t have to.
Climate Change Could Send Wheat-Growing Areas Into Drought
A new estimate finds that up to 60 percent of wheat farms could be affected.
Sour Milk: How Are US Dairy Farmers Coping?
US dairy has seen better days.
Cover Crops Can Triple the Amount of Earthworms in Soil
A new study finds a wormy benefit to cover crops.
Japanese Scientists’ Discovery Could Prevent Tractor Tipping
What do a tractor and a bouncing ball have in common? More than you would think.
Some of America’s Maple Syrup Production Could Dry Up by 2100
Climate change is threatening American sugar bushes.
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