Our stories connect people to their food, support informed choice, and rethink how we consume.
Italian Cowboys Keeping an Ancient Practice Alive
Andiamo, little dogies, andiamo! Photographer Gabriele Fanelli rides along with modern Italian cowboys keeping an ancient practice alive.
Job Opportunity: Become a Large-Animal Veterinarian
Why aren’t veterinary schools graduating enough vets who specialize in large animals like cows and pigs?
Phosphorus: Too Much of a Good Thing?
Midwest farmers and university scientists work together to reduce the agricultural runoff polluting our lakes.
Earth Movers: Nicole Bernard Dawes
Her father started Cape Cod Potato Chips; Mom ran a health-food store; Nicole Bernard Dawes split the difference with her company, Late July Snacks, which takes the junk out of junk food.
How a Founding Father and a British Agriculturist Helped America’s Farmers
George Washington believed his young nation was only as strong as its farmers, so less than three years after the end of hostilities with England in 1783, he turned to that country’s best and brightest for help in improving his own, and America’s, agricultural practices.
A Week in Review: Most Interesting Stories
Check out this week’s most popular stories.
A Southern honey company teaches schoolchildren about bees (birds not included).
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