Our stories connect people to their food, support informed choice, and rethink how we consume.
Pasture Guru Sarah Flack Shares How to Grow a Better, Greener Pasture
When it comes to grazing livestock, says pasture management guru Sarah Flack, quality forage leads to healthy herds.
Recipe: Garden Vegetable Minestrone [with video]
Spend a few hours preparing this soup and you’ll reap the benefits for days (or even months) to come – the flavor only gets better over time.
FDA: Stop Marketing Cannabis Products as Cancer Killers
The research isn’t there, so quit lying to sick people!
Puppy Power! A Newbie Collie Herded A Flock into His Farmer’s Home
Rocky, a young sheepherding dog in training, was a bit too enthusiastic at his job.
America’s New Favorite Apple, the Honeycrisp, Has a Problem
Bitter pit attacks Honeycrisps. But there might be a solution.
National Organic Standards Board Decrees That Hydroponic Can Be Organic
A battle for the soul of the organic movement has been settled. The winners are the corporations, as usual.
The Modern Farmer Guide to Winter Squash Varieties
Do you know your cushaw from your kabocha? Your butternut from your buttercup? We’re here to help.
These Maps Show How Much Farmland Has Been Damaged by Dicamba Drift
A whopping 3.6 million acres of soybeans have been damaged by dicamba.
High-Pesticide Fruits and Vegetables Correlated With Lower Fertility Rates, Says Study
The study adds to a growing body of research about the relationship between pesticides and fertility.
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