Koch Foods, Pilgrim’s Pride Executives Indicted in Chicken Price-Fixing Case
Our stories connect people to their food, support informed choice, and rethink how we consume.
Farmer Mistakes: Shock to the System
Jay Vogler was a produce farmer for many years in Charlotte, VT. In 1993, he added a small herd of sheep to his farm, despite having "no idea what he was doing." Vogler made many m...
The Farmers’ Almanac: 196 Years Old and Undaunted by Climate Change
Although summer officially begins tomorrow, its start date means less and less every year: thanks to climate change, some parts of the country have felt like mid-July since May, wh...
A 45-Page, Handwritten, Illustrated Essay From an Amish Organic Farmer
The Modern Farmer team got a treat via parcel post last month.
Luxury Farming Equipment: If You Sell It, They Will Come
A roundup of upscale items for the fancy farmer.
A chat with Abby Paloma, part-time yoga instructor and full-time farmer.
In Seattle’s Beacon Hill Neighborhood, a Garden of Eden Is Growing
Seattle will soon be home to the Beacon Food Forest, a seven-acre woodland comprised of edible trees, perennials, annuals and shrubs.
Dirt-Free Farming: Will Hydroponics (Finally) Take Off?
The hydroponic revolution has been poised to change farming for over 70 years. When will it actually happen?
The Illustrated Journals of a Dairy Farmer in 1941
The continuing journals of dairy farmer W.G. Pope from 1941, as illustrated by his great-grandson. This week: a hail storm.
17 Farm Animals That Need to Respect Personal Boundaries
Farm animals, we love you. But we also need you to respect our personal space.
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From the Archive
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