Our stories connect people to their food, support informed choice, and rethink how we consume.
California Tightens Restrictions on Controversial Pesticide Chlorpyrifos
Activists maintain their call for a complete ban of the insecticide.
How Safe Is Oilfield-Produced Water for Crop Irrigation? A New Study Wants to Find Out
Could oilfield-produced water, a byproduct of oil extraction, be the key to crop irrigation during droughts?
Farmers Say It’s Nearly Impossible to Follow Monsanto’s Dicamba Directions
Yet another lawsuit regarding Monsanto’s dicamba system. This one targets the insane 4,500-word instruction label.
Costa Rica Let a Juice Company Dump Their Orange Peels in the Forest”and It Helped
How a controversial experiment actually bore fruit.
Yes! A New Study Finds Moderate Beer Drinking May Lower Bad Cholesterol
There have been more than 60 prospective studies (meaning researchers follow test subjects over a period of time to determine the effects of the factors they're studying on the sub...
These Milk and Sugar Pods Dissolve in Coffee and Could Replace Single-Serve Containers
Why use plastic when you can use sugar?
The Humane Society of the United States Is Taking on Factory Farming
The Humane Society of the United States is working with farmers and ranchers to promote humane farm practices. It turns out they’re not anti-animal agriculture as some in the industry claim.
The Internet Is Now Basically Just a Version of a Farmer’s Almanac
The internet has fully caught up with the weirdness of both Almanacs.
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