How now, brown cow?
Huge Cache Of Thousand-Year-Old Coins Found Buried Beneath A Farm
A historic haul, found in farm in suburban London.
The Cheesemaking Monk of Manitoba
Six elderly monks keep a recipe for a delicious handmade cheese — one that may soon disappear.
The Strange Reason Murakami Fans Gather at a Hokkaido Sheep Farm Every Year
In a small town in the far north of the northernmost island in Japan, Murakami fans gather once a year to watch TV.
Would You Live In A Converted Grain Silo?
What if it was in a nice part of Minneapolis, right near a McDonald’s?
A Nazi-Era Cattle Breed, Just as Awful as Expected
A bad idea from the start.
The Weekly Glean: Robots Take Over Your Kitchen
This year, like last year but more so, manufacturers are endeavoring to stick, basically, guts from your cellphone into everything in your kitchen. Some of these aren't terrible id...
Photo Essay: Urban Gardens in Asheville
Photographs of the community garden for one of the largest housing projects in North Carolina.
Ask an Ag Minister: Thailand’s Yukol Limlamthong
From veterinarian to ousted ag minister, Yukol Limlamthong has had quite a career.
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