A Legal Battle Rages Over Smoking Sugar Fields in South Florida
Our stories connect people to their food, support informed choice, and rethink how we consume.
The Right Stuff: What to Feed Your Ducks
Due to limited demand, you may not find duck feed at a local farm store, but you can buy it online (mazuri.com offers a complete line), or you can adapt unmedicated chicken feed to...
Summer Issue Hits the Newsstands
It's Heeeere! The summer issue of Modern Farmer magazine has hit the stands! You'll recognize it by the handsome duck gracing our cover. So hitch up your tractor (or hop in the car...
Tales From the Duckside: The REAL Story Behind Owning #BackyardPoultry
Here’s a tip: Do not raise ducks inside your house.
Meet Modern Farmer’s Guest Instagrammer: Soil Scientist Natalie Ross
It was a journey toward healthy living that led Ross, 31, to soil science. As a youngster, she was often sick, suffering from stomach pain, headaches, depression and extreme fatigu...
Of course, there are scads of duck characters in the realm of children's literature, including Dab-Dab the housekeeping duck in the Doctor Dolittle series. The books were written b...
Wait, Is This Weird Duck Kosher Or Not?
A bird so strange that, more than 150 years after Jewish authorities first began discussing it, nobody can decide whether it’s kosher today.
Contrary to popular belief, ducks don't need a nearby pond to thrive, just enough water to bathe. Connecticut farmer, Reva Seybolt employs a plastic kiddie pool, which is easy to t...
Though Mallards are available at most farm-supply stores in spring, accessing a wide variety of interesting breeds typically involves ordering from a reputable online hatchery such...
Here are five duck attack videos that will leave you quacking, we mean quaking, with laughter, fear or both.
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