Our stories connect people to their food, support informed choice, and rethink how we consume.
How New Zealand Has Worked to Eradicate a Costly Cow Disease
Later this year, the country will become the first to get rid of Mycoplasma bovis, a contagious and painful disease in cattle.
At the University of Michigan, researchers are studying both the scientific benefits and public reactions to using aged urine as fertilizer.
Increasingly Heavy Farm Vehicles Are Crushing Soil Health
Tractors and other machinery used on farms have grown enormously heavier over the past 60 years, now weighing as much as the heaviest dinosaurs. How are soils handling the pressure? Not well.
Destructive Grapeleaf Skeletonizer Moth Found in Napa
The pest is known to eat away at grapevines, leaving just a skeleton of the leaves behind.
American Agriculture’s Reliance on Foreign Workers Surges
The number of positions filled by H-2A temporary workers has continued to increase year over year.
Goodyear Wants to Make Tires From Dandelions
The company is betting on the pesky weed as a reliable source of domestic rubber.
10 New Cookbooks We’ve Been Cooking From This Spring
A host of new books in which to find kitchen inspiration.
President Biden Calls on Farmers to Double Crop in Face of Food Insecurity
The war in Ukraine has upended global markets, causing staples like wheat and sunflower oil to spike. How is the American government responding?
A new report includes emails showing that Tyson Foods authored a version of President Trump’s executive order to keep meatpacking plants open during the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic.
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