Our stories connect people to their food, support informed choice, and rethink how we consume.
Pigs and Pirouettes: In Vermont, You Can Catch a Ballet at a Farm
What goes together better than farming and ballet?
Meat Waste Is Worse for the Environment Than Vegetable Waste
Yet another reason to buy mostly plants.
The Fight For Local Food Arrives at the University of Maine
A campaign has been growing to get Maine’s university system to source more of the food it serves from local producers.
Guess Our Fall Issue’s Cover Animal for a Chance to Win Some Sweet Prizes!
It's simple: Take a guess at what creature will grace our next issue. If you're right, you'll be entered for a chance to win a variety of farm-fresh prizes from Overstock.com.
Herb gardens will go dormant in a few months, but the desire to cook with the best possible ingredients never stops.
Meet Alan Chadwick, The High Priest of Hippie Horticulture
Biodynamic pioneer Alan Chadwick turned America on to radical growing methods – influencing everyone from Alice Waters to winemakers Fetzer and Frey. So how come you’ve never heard of him?
Last Word with Animal Behaviorist Temple Grandin
Here’s what the world’s coolest animal behaviorist wants you to know now.
EPA Spills Toxic Waste into River, Causes State of Emergency. How Are Farms Affected?
How last week’s toxic mine water spill into the Animas River has impacted local agriculture.
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