The Modern Farmer Pie Chart of Pies - Modern Farmer

The Modern Farmer Pie Chart of Pies

Our guide to eating seasonally - through pie!

Photography by Omar Lee

We all strive to eat what’s in season. We sign up for CSAs and avoid buying nectarines from the grocery store in the dead of an East Coast winter. But seasonality shouldn’t be confined to salads. Here is Modern Farmer’s guide to eating seasonally – through pie.

Each recipe highlights an in-season ingredient – no fancy extras needed – and is paired with one of four crust options, depending on the filling. Start with the basics, but feel free to experiment, too.

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Otis Needleman
4 years ago

Any time is a good time to eat some pie!

4 years ago

Where are cherries in season in September?

5 months ago

The full pie chart diagram is missing! Can we get it back, please! It’s my favorite pie chart.
