Farm Archives - Modern Farmer
The Bounty Between the Tides

The day that I met Alanna Kieffer was spectacularly sunny with a gentle saline breeze—a... (more)

Elena Valeriote
July 26, 2024
The World is Farming More Seafood Than it Catches. Is That a...

A new report from the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization, or FAO, has found... (more)

Frida Garza, Grist
June 21, 2024
Preserving the Salt Ponds of Hanapēpē

Kuuleialoha Gaisoa determines whether a person is worthy of receiving her Hawaiian pa‘akai, or salt,... (more)

Megan Ulu-Lani Boyanton
April 11, 2024
Making Old Orchards New Again

Wherever you find an old homestead—a house and barn with a little bit of land... (more)

Kirsten Lie-Nielsen
April 1, 2024
Spotlight On the Arizona Nonprofit Working to Transform Urban Food Deserts

Across the Phoenix metro area, citrus trees sag under the weight of more produce than... (more)

Theresa "Sam" Houghton
March 29, 2024
Swapping Seasons, Casting Shade: How Farmers Are Growing Food in the Fearsome...

When most people think about Phoenix, Arizona, they probably aren’t thinking about agriculture. The city—and... (more)

Callie Radke Stevens
February 19, 2024
The Art of Resurrecting Heirloom Watermelons

It was hot in Louisiana, and after 15 hours in the car to get there... (more)

Lena Beck
October 18, 2023
Meet the Arkansas Farmers Turning Sweet Potatoes into Spirits

The rich soil of the Arkansas Delta takes its minerals from the Mississippi River that... (more)

Caroline Eubanks
June 30, 2023
Meet the Photographer Turned Seafood Restaurateur Dedicated to Conservation

Photographer Andrea Tese was always looking for a hook to promote ocean conservancy. Growing up... (more)

Michelle Colman
June 2, 2023