Rene Ebersole, Author at Modern Farmer
How to Keep Honeybees

These imperiled pollinators perform an estimated 80 percent of all plant pollination. Keep them buzzing... (more)

Rene Ebersole
August 7, 2017
How to Keep Honeybees

Join the backyard beekeeping revolution and keep pollinators buzzing. The payback's pretty sweet.

Rene Ebersole
June 13, 2016
Essential Beekeeping Supplies

Aside from a Langstroth hive or two, backyard beekeeping requires very little gear - just... (more)

Rene Ebersole
June 13, 2016
Why Do Bee Colonies Collapse?

It's a good question - one scientists continue to grapple with 10 years after colony... (more)

Rene Ebersole
June 13, 2016
The Bitter Truth: Q&A with Spirit Author Brad Thomas Parsons

You don't have to shell out big bucks to get a taste of the bitters... (more)

Rene Ebersole
July 10, 2014