Brian Barth, Author at Modern Farmer
10 Tricks and Gadgets to Freshen Up Your Garden This Spring

Our resident how-to guru has some nifty ideas up his gardening gloves.

Brian Barth
April 2, 2019
Meet the Woman Using Bitcoin Technology to Transform the Food Industry

Bitcoin is the most well-known application of a technology known as "blockchain”. It turns out... (more)

Brian Barth
October 10, 2018
How Does Aeroponics Work?

Vegetables out of thin air? Learn more about this environmentally-friendly approach to food production.

Brian Barth
July 26, 2018
Can Satellite Surveillance Help End Slavery in the Seafood Industry?

Even after reports surfaced of forced labor in the Southeast Asian fishing industry, ships crewed... (more)

Brian Barth
January 12, 2018