Report: Climate Change Will Lead to Tasteless Food - Modern Farmer

Report: Climate Change Will Lead to Tasteless Food

Pizza too?! According to a new report from Australia called Appetite for Change that was put out by two leading climate scientists, global warming will affect everything from the taste of carrots to the quality of steak to the firmness of pizza crust, and that's for the food that's still around.

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Pizza too?!
According to a new report from Australia called Appetite for Change that was put out by two leading climate scientists, global warming will affect everything from the taste of carrots to the quality of steak to the character of pizza crust, and that’s for the food that’s still around.

“It’s definitely a wake-up call when you hear that the toast and raspberry jam you have for breakfast, for example, might not be as readily available in 50 years’ time,” one of the report’s authors, Associate Professor Richard Eckard from the University of Melbourne, told Phys.Org.

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Will a new federal agency streamline efforts to safeguard America’s food supply or become just another behemoth of bureaucracy? Fortune takes a look at the issues surrounding an Obama administration proposal for the creation of the Food and Safety Administration that would replace the alphabet soup of agencies that are currently responsible for food safety in the U.S.

Small is still big in America
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