Blogger Jason Price recounts the ups and downs of his backyard chicken rearing adventure.
Expert butcher Tom Mylan talks pork with Modern Farmer, walking us through the commonly sold pork cuts, from nose to tail.
10 Farm Animal Hybrids You Didn’t Know Existed
Forget ligers, tigrons, and grolar bears (oh my). Plenty of jaw-dropping hybrids can be had at the farm, where cross-species creatures are more common than you might think.
Cow Tipping: Fake or Really Fake?
The evidence against cow tipping is immense, and backed up by both farmers and the laws of physics (more on that later), but the simplest bit of proof we can point to is YouTube.
This Is What Humane Slaughter Looks Like. Is It Good Enough?
Technically, humane slaughter became law in the United States with the 1958 Humane Slaughter Act, intended to prevent the “needless suffering” of livestock during slaughter. But while it’s one thing to understand slaughter practices on a theoretical level, it’s another to be in the same room when a cow dies.
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