Does your city offer compost? Help us fill in our map of the US and Canada, and let us know what your municipality does with food waste.
He Wanted to Start Up a Composting Operation. Outdated Zoning Laws Stood in the Way.
“I was in my parents’ basement for about six months, just shopping around municipalities.”
How Illinois Is Bringing Grocery Stores Back to Main Street
A team at Western Illinois University, bolstered by a first-of-its-kind initiative, is helping towns across the state democratize their food economy.
How Two Committed Conservationists Revitalized a River With Beer
Worried about low flow in Arizona’s Verde River, conservationists have found a solution in new crops and a new brew.
If Montreal Can Feed Itself Year-Round, More Cities Can
Montreal is the world capital of urban agriculture, proving that winter weather is no reason to stop eating locally.
What You Can Do About The Overwhelming Problem of Plastic Packaging
Both individual and collective action are key to stemming the tide of plastic waste.
Your Food is Less Nutritious Than It Used to Be
As our climate changes, our food is at risk of immediate dangers such as fires and floods. But there are long-term impacts that have already changed the makeup of the food you eat.
This is the Year to Eat More Upcycled Foods
As consumer interest in climate-friendly consumption grows, “upcycled” products—made from food that otherwise wouldn’t be utilized—are gaining steam, with an official certification and more.
Climate Change Is Coming for Your Favorite Condiments
From mustard to ketchup, here's what to know about how a warming world will impact the availability of beloved pantry staples.
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