Opinion: The US Doesn’t Grow Enough Food – But We Could
The number of US farms has been declining for years, making us more reliant on importing food from other countries. Farmers could grow enough food to feed us all, if we shifted government priorities.
With Trump attempting to change government priorities add the Dept. of Agriculture to the list. Get in contact with somebody in his immediate circle to work on changing funding supports.
Small farmers are so busy with 2nd jobs to support farm and family they don’t have time for a lot of paper work with govt farm agents. I put in for a program and was told it may be next year before they get to me because of back log. Time to lower percentage of program payment to big farmers and get more support for small farmers. A lot of small farmers would be glad to switch from raising a few cattle or hogs for a bigger money (vegetable) crop. Where do they get funds for right type of high… Read more »
One should be self reliant in FOOD production, be it USA with plenty of land and comparatively smaller population or any other country for that matter. Import of food should be the last priority.