The Whole Okra: A Seed to Stem Celebration
For many, okra is synonymous with slimy, fried seedy bits of “I’m not eating that.” But writer Chris Smith sees okra as something to embrace and celebrate through history and recipes. Here’s an excerpt from his just-released book.
For Diabetics the slime is the best part of Okra. With Okra as part of a meal the mucalige in the Okra coats the meal as it passes through the gut, slowing digestion and thereby preventing blood sugar spikes.
Very nice article. I loved reading it as Okra is also my top favorite vegetable. Although I have never tried or cooked it this way. Its good to learn about the novel cooking trends.
Moreover, I am also interested to write an article for modern farmer and have emailed them twice- yet waiting for response. Can anybody here kindly guide me through?
How to up root my orka plants for next year.
I was just wondering if dehydrated ferments works! Since the flavor is so much more concentrated, would it be too intense to just eat rehydrated as a side dish? I was thinking of dehydrating a bunch of kimchi and kraut.