Animals Archives - Page 146 of 179 - Modern Farmer


Could the World Love Pesticide-Free GMOs?

But what about GMO seeds that could radically reduce the use of pesticides, and help... (more)

Gloria Dawson
August 19, 2013
8 Awesome Antique Llamas

Courtesy of the Library of Congress, we dug up some of our favorite vintage pics... (more)

Francis Dougherty
August 16, 2013
Killer Coyotes: Can Shepherds Protect Their Flocks?

Coyotes kill over 135,000 sheep a year, and are found in every state in the... (more)

Andrew Jenner
August 14, 2013
Totally Nuts: This Farm Runs on Walnut Shells

It's fair to say, most walnut farms never get mentioned on Saturday Night Live. Of... (more)

Jesse Hirsch
August 12, 2013
Meet Tom Colicchio’s Urban Milkcrate Farmer

Pickens (who I knew from our time together attending Ohio University) meets regularly with the... (more)

Denny Culbert
August 12, 2013
13 Classic Cattle Pics

Moo-chos graçias, Library of Congress! Join the gang at the Modern Farmer and gawk, gaze... (more)

Francis Dougherty
August 9, 2013
The Apocalypse Sperm Bank

Housed in a vast storehouse in Fort Collins, Colorado, the USDA has 700,000 straws of... (more)

Jesse Hirsch
August 9, 2013
Dear Modern Farmer: How Do I Start Up a Community Garden?

Dear Modern Farmer: I want to start up a community garden, but want to make... (more)

Kristen Ploetz
August 8, 2013
Does It Matter If Tomatoes Are Ugly?

The UglyRipe tomato is tasty -- but the Florida Tomato Committee says it may be... (more)

Sarah Rich
August 7, 2013