Farm Archives - Page 42 of 325 - Modern Farmer
Why Rising Beef Prices Are No Bull for the Leather Industry

Between drought and a decrease in per capita beef consumption, the past few years have... (more)

Rebecca Flint Marx
July 2, 2013
Palm Oil: It’s in Your Oreos, Killing Your Rainforests

When most people think about palm oil, if they think about it at all, they... (more)

Rebecca Flint Marx
July 1, 2013
Could Laser Tattoos Replace Sticky Fruit Labels?

Laser Food is hoping to usher in a new era of eco-friendly, extra efficient labeling... (more)

Jordan Kushins
June 28, 2013
How to Preserve Urban Ag in the Bay Area

How to preserve and grow urban agriculture in the Bay Area.

Rebecca Flint Marx
June 26, 2013
An Organic Victory in Australia’s Brutal Milk Wars

An organic dairy farmer from down under finds a way to make a living in... (more)

Patrick Pittman
June 26, 2013
In Seattle’s Beacon Hill Neighborhood, a Garden of Eden Is Growing

Seattle will soon be home to the Beacon Food Forest, a seven-acre woodland comprised of... (more)

Rebecca Flint Marx
June 18, 2013
Meal Worms: Apartment Bug Farm Is Big Business

Harman Johar, a recent graduate of the University of Georgia Athens, and just a regula... (more)

Andre Gallant
June 14, 2013
Mobile Poultry Slaughter: As Easy as One, Two, Three

Love eating chicken? Hate the idea of factory farming? Want to do something about it?... (more)

Rebecca Flint Marx
June 13, 2013
Dear Modern Farmer: Can I Legally Grow Food in My Front Yard?

Dear Modern Farmer: Can I legally grow food in my front yard?

Kristen Ploetz
June 11, 2013