Transfarmation: The Movement to Free Us From Factory Farming
Our stories connect people to their food and highlight producers and innovators working to create a sustainable future.
Everything You Want To Know About Turkey Sex
A pressing question, we’re sure.
6 Differences Between Llamas and Alpacas
At first glance, alpacas may resemble their larger camelid cousin the llama, but they are quite different.
How to Grow and Harvest Grains in Your Backyard
Bread, beer, and pasta all originate with a planting of grain seed in fall. Be the first on your block to grow your own.
Everything You Need to Know About Duck Eggs
1. Eat them. 2. Definitely eat them. 3. *words muffled because duck eggs are so delicious*
The 10 Best Horns In The Animal World: The Definitive List
Time to end the debate: Here are the best horns, ever.
Here’s Why a Chicken Can Live Without Its Head
Why a chicken can run around with its head cut off.
Meet the Mangalitsa, the Hairy Pig That’s the Kobe Beef of Pork
We talk to a breeder and importer about this wild and wooly breed that’s become a favorite with farmers and eaters.
10 Farm Animal Hybrids You Didn’t Know Existed
Forget ligers, tigrons and grolar bears (oh my). Plenty of jaw-dropping hybrids can be had at the farm, where cross-species hybrids are more common than you might think.
Cow Tipping: Fake or Really Fake?
The evidence against cow tipping is immense, and backed up by both farmers and the laws of physics (more on that later), but the simplest bit of proof we can point to: YouTube.
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