Shelby Vittek, Author at Modern Farmer
The Winery Garden That Feeds Migrant Vineyard Workers

At Somerston Estate in Napa Valley, a half-acre plot is devoted to growing fruits and... (more)

Shelby Vittek
September 5, 2022
How to Get Rid of Spotted Lanternflies

Five ways to battle the invasive pest that don’t involve insecticides.

Shelby Vittek
October 23, 2021
Wild Relatives of Important Food Crops Are Facing Extinction

Agriculture and pesticide use are to blame, a new study finds.

Shelby Vittek
September 8, 2021
Botanists Identify New Carnivorous Plant

Beware of any delicate white wildflowers you see growing in a bog. They may look... (more)

Shelby Vittek
August 10, 2021
A Once-Forbidden Fruit Makes a Resurgence

Hudson Valley fruit farmer Greg Quinn and his then-fiancée Carolyn Blackwood had no prior experience... (more)

Shelby Vittek
July 19, 2021
5 Vegetables That Grow In Two Months or Less

When it comes to planting a vegetable garden, growing crops from seed is ideal. It’s... (more)

Shelby Vittek
July 10, 2021
Michael Pollan Explores Our Attraction to Psychoactive Plants

Nearly every culture, religion and society has been influenced by some kind of plant. In... (more)

Shelby Vittek
July 6, 2021
Breeding Better Beans

Until last year, beans were rather unfashionable among many Americans. The pandemic helped change that,... (more)

Shelby Vittek
July 5, 2021
The Future of Ocean Farming

For all his life, Alaskan fisherman Dune Lankard has looked to the sea—for food, work... (more)

Shelby Vittek
June 28, 2021