Rebecca Flint Marx, Author at Modern Farmer
In the Wake of Indonesia’s Fires, Criticism of the Palm Oil Industry...

When we last checked in on the palm oil industry, it was busy planning to... (more)

Rebecca Flint Marx
July 12, 2013
How Does Your Garden Grow? Easily, With a Nourishmat

Two inventors hope they've created a garden so simple a child could grow it.

Rebecca Flint Marx
July 11, 2013
Toy Farmer: ‘Small Scale Ag’ Like You’ve Never Seen

Scheibe has done so since January 1978, when she and her husband, Claire, decided to... (more)

Rebecca Flint Marx
July 10, 2013
3 Questions About the Zombie Farm Bill

Here are some questions (and answers) about our about-to-be "undead" Farm Bill.

Rebecca Flint Marx
July 3, 2013
Why Rising Beef Prices Are No Bull for the Leather Industry

Between drought and a decrease in per capita beef consumption, the past few years have... (more)

Rebecca Flint Marx
July 2, 2013
Palm Oil: It’s in Your Oreos, Killing Your Rainforests

When most people think about palm oil, if they think about it at all, they... (more)

Rebecca Flint Marx
July 1, 2013
The Cattle Disease Spreading From Texas to Iowa

Anemia, weakness, and jaundice: those are three symptoms of anaplasmosis, a disease that’s causing some... (more)

Rebecca Flint Marx
June 28, 2013
How to Preserve Urban Ag in the Bay Area

How to preserve and grow urban agriculture in the Bay Area.

Rebecca Flint Marx
June 26, 2013